Looking for Spring!
As of this writing, we’re living through our third go round of sub-zero weather. It came with a little snow again so, we’re thankful for the moisture and hopefully a wetter weather pattern than we had last Spring and Summer. We live in the high desert so abundant moisture is not something we expect. Moisture timing seems to be the thing that makes or breaks pasture growth. A wet Spring snow or a good soaking rain in March or April will make our grass. Then we just need to be good stewards and not over-optimistically stock our pastures. Leaving a little grass is what we shoot for. Some years we actually make it!
Spring can be cruel here. Still, we look forward to it even if it’s just for a change of color. Wild temperature swings are hard on horses, cattle, and humans. Mud that sucks at our boots and our horses shoes makes for long days. But, we are thankful. Spring is a season of thankfulness. Thankful for the longer days. Thankful for more sunshine and the warmth it brings. Thankful for the green that creeps into the grass and then explodes into the trees and shrubs.
So, as we sit in our warm house while the thermometer drops below zero for another night; we’re looking for Spring. Winter has worn out it’s welcome!