9/15/24- Refining Our Horsemanship - Pierce, CO

from $30.00

The clinic’s emphasis is on finding, building and refining the skills needed to advance riders toward all their goals, whether in the arena, on the trail, or on cattle. We will explore ways to communicate with our horse on the halter with groundwork and in the saddle.

Bring a list of things you would like to work on. Riders and horses of all levels are encouraged to attend.

Note: Attached form is required for RIDERS ONLY, not necessary for AUDITORS.

TIME: 110:00 -12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 – 3:00

Cancellation Policy: A refund of your deposit minus any processor charges will be issued if you provide a replacement rider. If Bridle Bit cancels due to weather or other circumstances, you will have the option of asking for a refund (minus processor charges) or move your deposit to another clinic within this calendar year.

LOCATION: Inspiration Riding Academy, 41755 Weld County Road 29, Pierce, CO. 80650

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